Dr. Sachin Shah at Kurla Eastis known to treat a range of ailments. Some of illnesses and health concerns one can consult the doctor for are, Ulcers, Tonsillitis, Epilepsy, Lung Disease, Eczema, Infertility, Digestive Problems, Pimples, Hair Loss, Asthma, Osteoarthritis, Hyperacidity, Fissure, Corn Removal, Parkinson Disease, Psoriasis, Tinnitus, Peptic Ulcer, Gastroenteritis, Typhoid, Piles, Kidney Stone, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, etc. One can visit the doctor during the week, anytime from 10:30-18:00 - 13:00-22:00. Doctor's fees can be made in Cash. Many have reviewed the doctor's treatment to be highly effective.