Hard Flaccid Syndrome Homoeopathic Treatment

  •  10-06-2020

  • Dr. Dr. P.S.Sudhakar, Chinna Waltair, Visakhapatnam


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It is a type of CHRONIC PELVIC PAIN SYNDROME (CPPS). It is a condition which affects the penis and with unknown cause among men characterized by a change in the size of penis, penis size, penis shape and feel. Penile firm or enlarged when the penis is in flaccid state. Affects the man’s sexual and social life. Presently no scientific literature about this syndrome. Usually the patient needs medical advice due to their complaints. It may occur between the age 18 and 35 years. Sometimes penis touches the firm, like rubber structure. There may be a loss in nocturnal erections, and it may require more degree of stimulation to activate erection, loss in libido and a very shocking or upsetting of confidence. It is different from Peyronie’s disease which is penis problem caused by scar tissue. It results in a bent, rather than straight, erect penis. These men can have sex. But some one have pain and cause erectile dysfunction. Chronic pain in the pelvis present below the umbilicus with a duration of 6 months is called CHRONIC PELVIC PAIN SYNDROME (CPPS). It is caused by non bacterial chronic prostatitis. The decrease of blood circulation leads to the penis becoming stiff and hard even though it is in a flaccid state leads to the penile size and erection struggle. Physiotherapists are expecting treatment of Hard flaccid syndrome. CAUSES FOR HARD FLACCID SYNDROME: - Injury to the penis and stress are main drivers for this condition. - Surgery for radical prostatectomy, Resection of rectum, major pelvic surgery. - Radiotherapy , irradiation of the pelvis. Abnormal masturbation. Fully comprehensive sex or who have make an effort to achieve penis enhancement stretching , in these conditions the penile muscles continuing for an extended period contractile states leading to venous reduction in the penis. So the blood vessels fell to empty when the flaccid state with blood remained in the erectile tissue. Then erectile tissue becomes fatigue as many other muscle tissue in the body like spasm where the regulatory condition of erectile function is lost and the erectile tissue fails to disengage fully which cause in a semi stimulated stage, the tissue struggles to fully erect because it has lost the normal feedback mechanism. Automatic and central systems control erectile function and in states of fatigue condition the central and parasympathetic can no longer regulate this function. Pain is due to tissue injury and fatigue chemical irritation of the nerve endings. This further results in distress and anxiety. Stress causes release of cortisol, adrenaline and noradrenaline resulting in an increase of blood flow to the pelvic area. An already traumatic blood vessel to increased blood flow only helps to drive the process and maintain the hard flaccid state. The tension in the pelvis is linked to stress and this will causes enable poor regulation of blood flow in the pelvic floor. The penis muscles originate from the pelvis and allow for easy influence of the tight pelvic muscles on penile erectile tissue. Sometimes this tightness mis-sunderstood as with strong muscles and to diagnose as voiding complications. They may be dribbling urine after micturation, feel as if the bladder is not empty after passing urine. Pain while passing urine after passing urine. COMMON SYMPTOMS ARE: - Deflated glans during erection. - Loss of penile size - Low libido - Problem with achieving an erection - No morning erections. - A lot of physical stimulation needed to maintain normal erection. - Cramps or tension in pelvis and the nearby muscle. - Trembling muscles - Cold hands and feet. - Anxiety. - Mental health: intense depression, lots of people don’t want to attend jobs, schools, due to constant depression and anxiety, insomnia. - Isolation, suicidal tendency. This is due to lack of knowledge. TREATMENT: - 75% can be successfully treated. - Educate the patients, those who are having stress and anxiety. - Removing any harmful behaviors or practices and emotional drives. - Relaxation plays a prominent role in reestablishing normal breathing techniques and may facilitate suitable abdominal movement. - For a short period stopping of the normal diaphragmatic excursions during breathing is closely linked with pelvic tension. - Massaging perineal area and internally the pelvic floor may help the patient. - Eat healthy and exercise regularly. - Meditate, do yoga. - Sleep: go to bed at ten pm, read books till 11pm, light off, wake up at 9 am. - Eat breakfast every day; a glass of milk and toast or cereal. - GAH technique 4 times per week. - Have a bath each day. - Do not become obese. Encourage the KEGEL exercise. - Make sure the bladder is empty, then sit or lie down. - Tightening of pelvic muscles, Hold tight and count 3-5 seconds. - Relax the pelvic muscles and count 3 to 5 seconds. ** Repeat these 10 times, 3 times a day (morning, afternoon, and night.) IF YOU ARE NOT SURE ABOUT THE TIGHTENING THE RIGHT MUSCLES Imagine that you are trying to keep yourself from passing gas. Insert your finger into your rectum. Tightening the muscles as if holding in your urine, then let go. You should feel the muscles tighten and move up and down. When you are performing these exercises relax your body and breathe deeply. While you are doing these exercises, you should not tighten the stomach, buttock, and thigh and chest muscles. A new study advises that circumcision decreases sexual pleasure. HOMOEOPATHIC TREATMENT FOR HARD FLACCID SYNDROME: Like erectile dysfunction, there is persistent or recurrent inability to attain or maintain until completion of sexual desire and an adequate penile erection. - Agnus cactus: penis is small and flaccid, so relaxed even fancies excite no erection, testicles are cold, swollen hard and painful and secretion of prostatic fluid during micturation. Suppressed sexual desire. Diminution of sexual power. - Argentums Nitricum: Erection fails when coition is attempted. Sensitive at orifice, painful coition, tension during erection, testicles drawn up. Psychological impotence. Anxious impotency before coition. Caladium Seguinum: sexual organs relaxed and swollen, glans become flabby from masturbation. Without sexual desire painful erection of penis. Relaxed penis and sexual desire alternately present. Mental depression with impotence. Premature ejaculation of semen without proper erection. Feeling of coldness in penis. MANY OTHER HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICINES LIKE CHINA, LYCOPODIUM, CONIUM, NUX VOMICA, ACID PHOS, PHOS, SELINIUM, STAPHISAGRIA, MEDORRRHINIM, SABEL SERRULATA, DAMIANA, SULPHUR.

Role Of Homeopathy In Relieving Leg Cramps

  •  01-08-2019

  • Dr. Dr. P.S.Sudhakar, Chinna Waltair, Visakhapatnam


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Role of Homeopathy in Relieving Leg CrampsLeg cramps is a very common condition which is characterized by tight and painful leg muscles. The calf muscles are the most commonly affected; it can spread further down to your thighs and feet. Once the cramping gets better, you might experience a tender leg coupled with a numbing feeling for a few minutes.The causes of leg cramps are varied. If it is caused due to an underlying condition, it is known as secondary leg cramps. The causes of secondary leg cramps include vigorous exercises, pregnancy and usage of certain medications. The cramps cause the muscles of the leg to shorten and contract, thus making you lose control of the affected muscle.How can homeopathy help?Homeopathy is a system of medicine which is very holistic in nature. The goal of homeopathy is to focus on the causes of a disorder rather than just curing the symptoms. Homeopathic remedies do not yield any side effect unlike the conventional treatments. Apart from treating the symptoms, homeopathic remedies also help improve your overall wellbeing.There are many homeopathic remedies that can be used to treat leg cramps. The remedies are focused on treating any underlying condition that may be causing these leg cramps, apart from relieving the symptoms. The first step of the treatment is to diagnose the condition, which is done by a trained practitioner. You will be asked questions pertaining to the cramps and your diet. Once the diagnosis is complete, the medications are prescribed based on the diagnosis.There may be certain dietary restrictions that you may have to follow for the medicines to work at their optimum best. This system of medicine might also require you to not carry out any form of heavy work that involves the legs as rest is required to boost the process of recovery.The various Homeopathic offerings are:CausticumCalcarea carbonicaArsenicum albumColocynthisPulsatilla NigricansArnica montanaIf you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult the doctor at Dr. Sudhakar.

Health And Pregnancy

  •  30-03-2017

  • Dr. Dr. P.S.Sudhakar, Chinna Waltair, Visakhapatnam


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Pregnancy Overview: Pregnancy changes your body, your emotions, and your life. Here's everything you need to know about having a baby, from tips to help you conceive to what to expect during labour. Knowing your menstrual cycle improves your chances of getting pregnant. The first phase starts with the first day of your period or blood flow. Your body releases hormones that makes the eggs inside your ovaries grow. Between day 2 and 14, those hormones also help thicken the lining of your uterus to get ready for a fertilized egg. This is called the follicular stage. What Happens During Ovulation: The average menstrual cycle is 28-32 days. Ovulation usually happens between day 11 and 21 of your cycle. A hormone called luteinizing hormone (LH) surges, triggering the release of the egg that's most ripe. At the same time, your cervical mucus becomes more slippery to help sperm make their way to the egg. Women are born with about 1-2 million eggs, but only release 300 to 400 through ovulation. Usually, you release just one egg each month. The egg travels down a fallopian tube, one of the two tubes that connect your ovaries to your uterus.If the timing is right, sperm may fertilize it on its way to the uterus. If fertilization doesn't happen within 24 hours of the egg leaving the ovary, the egg dissolves. Sperm can live for about 3 to 5 days, so knowing when you are ovulating can help you and your partner plan sex for when you're most likely to conceive. A surge in LH triggers your ovaries to release the egg. The surge usually happens36 hours before the egg is released. Ovulation kits check LH levels in your urine to help you pinpoint the day of ovulation. These kits, which are available at drugstores, are convenient and highly accurate. You may want to test 1-2 days before you expect the surge so you can note the rise in LH. During the second half of your menstrual cycle, the hormone progesterone kicks in to help prepare the lining of your uterus for a fertilized egg. If the egg isn't fertilized and doesn't implant, it disintegrates, progesterone levels fall, and about 12 to 16 days later, the egg -- along with blood and tissues from the lining of the uterus -- is shed from the body. That process is menstruation. It usually lasts 3 to 7 days. Then the cycle begins again. There is growing evidence that links environment to fertility. If you want to boost your chances of getting pregnant, you may want to: · Eat foods rich in folic acids. · Buy more organic foods and green products. · Avoid certain plastics (including plastic wrap). · Maintain a healthy body weight through diet and exercise. · Avoid alcohol and caffeine. Fertility goes down with age, especially after the mid-30s. It also lowers the chances that fertility treatments will be successful. Experts say you should talk to your doctor if you're under 35 and have been trying to conceive for more than12 months, or over 35 and have been trying for more than 6 months. Studies show that sperm count and sperm movement decrease as men age, as does sexual function. But there isn't a cut-off age that makes a man too old to father a child. One study found that it took men age 45 or older longer to get a woman pregnant once the couple started trying. If your partner is older, you may want to talk to your doctor about ways to boost your chances. How Men Can Boost Fertility · Manage stress. · Avoid alcohol and tobacco. · Maintain a proper weight. · Eat a diet high in zinc (found in meat, whole grains, seafood, and eggs), selenium (meat, seafood, mushroom, cereals, and Brazil nuts), and vitamin E. · Keep the testicles cool -- no long, hot baths, hot tubs, or saunas, which can reduce the number of sperm. How Home Pregnancy Tests Work Home pregnancy tests check your urine for the"pregnancy hormone," called hCG, that your body makes once a fertilized egg implants in your uterus. Some of these tests may be able to tell if you're pregnant as early as 5 days before your first missed period. Pregnancy: 5 Early Signs · You miss a period. · You need to urinate often. · You tire easily. · You’re nauseous in the morning -- or all day. · Your breasts become tender and enlarged.